Statement from Ruthin Craft Centre Solo Show 2002

I am interested in the passing of time. I am interested in capturing the fleeting, the intangible. My work often explores ideas relating to containers, of memories, of innocence. Spaces of refuge and protection, fragility and vulnerability. The work is often narrative. I provide snapshots which suggest a series of events. The story is sometimes clear although I see the reading of the it as the viewer’s responsibility. As Gaston Bachelard wrote in The Poetics Of Space “Memory – what a strange thing it is! – does not record concrete duration, in the Bergsonian sense of the word”. Sometimes I explore personal histories, observations or experiences of others. Sometimes I explore the stories around an object or place. I am interested in the interactions between the viewer, the maker, the narrator, the observer.

“the low tech product of that most highly charged and least mediated connection between the hand, the mind, and the eye, the drawing” Doris Lockhart Saatchi, Cheltenham Drawing Open catalogue statement, 2000

Memory is a fascinating thing, an intimate thing. I am interested in the autobiographical memory. It is something that can trigger other reminiscences and if shared this can become a shared experience.

2 Responses to “Statement from Ruthin Craft Centre Solo Show 2002”

  1. Wow That’s a great statement.
    “Spaces of refuge and protection, fragility and vulnerability”.

    I hadn’t realised that we had so much in common. I do worry though that I don’t refer to any important writings ( in my statements) I just refer to my own feelings and experiences. I sometimes think that I come over too “homespun” but then again I am especially keen to make Frillip Moolog as accessable as possible. I want all types to “get it” no matter what their level of education.
    I will “Delicious” this page for now and sort out a blog roll soon.

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